Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Little Guy Time

Move over ladies skin care isn’t just for you anymore. A world once solely dominated by females is no longer looking so feminine. “Personal care products for men are flooding the shelves, and launches are becoming increasingly adventurous as the market matures, according to Mintel. The research firm tracked more than 500 new personal care products for men in the United States in 2008, compared to only 375 in 2007.” It used to just be soap and shaving cream. However, Beauty analyst Taya Tomasello said, “Beauty manufacturers are trying to stay one step ahead of men's evolving grooming habits. New personal care products launched for men today step beyond the basics of showering, shaving and deodorizing. At both the high and low ends of the market, new men's grooming products try to provide tangible benefits based on appearance, specific body needs and ethical concerns.”

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